Update on Safer Skincare & Clean Cosmetics for Teens & Twenties (and why it matters). Yes, hormones play a role – but there’s so much more to skin health! My pre-teens are now legal adults, and we’ve learned more than a few lessons along the way. I’m sharing resources, including science-based podcasts, for simple solutions. We’ve done everything we can to keep our kids safe to this point, don’t let personal care products be the thing that derails health and hormones in their extra sensitive growing bodies. I know this is going to get long winded, so here’s what you’ll find in this post: Why Safer Skincare & Clean Cosmetics for teens matters Get them on board: empower with information and educate How to help them get healthy inside & out Safer alternative suggestions If you want more info like this as well as sales specials on many of the products noted here today: Get VIP perks on my Newsletter for Safer Skincare & Cleaner Cosmetics for teens and beyond, or Complete my Skin Quiz for customized recommendations ♥ With hormone changes it’s often the first time kids start thinking of skincare beyond sunblock in the summer. These days, it’s […]
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