Exfoliating is one of the secrets to healthy-looking skin. But what is the difference between Physical vs Safer Chemical Exfoliators? Or, how about why is the best time to exfoliate for youthful, glowing looking skin? It may sound complicated, but there are SO many simple options! And I’ve got recommendations for you below. Why We Exfoliate Have itchy or flaky scalp? Dry skin? Bumpy skin or enlarged pores on the back of your arms or legs? Body acne? Body scars or sun damage? Then you will love the results of exfoliation + nourishing the fresh, new skin that is revealed! If your skin is experiencing issues it is almost always because the layers of your skin are disrupted – so focus on: helping your epidermis shed with exfoliation, then rebalancing the pH of the acid mantle, and protecting with lipids. This applies to dryness on the body too. For example, I have a 4 step routine for under my arms because my skin is sensitive to the pH disruption of natural deodorants. What products you use is dependent on your skin’s specific needs. I’m happy to help curate a routine that’s right for you or a loved one! [email me] Why […]
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