Social media is constantly evolving, and so are we! I’m so excited to start this year with some updates that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. New Year, New Me (on Social Media) New handle, same face and info! For a few years now, as my kids grew into teens, Matt started working, and I left Corporate America to be doing this full-time, the “blog” part of my old Instagram handle bothered me. I’ve been wanting to make a change, since early 2020 when I first used this handle for Peloton! So, with a new year – (finally) a new way to find me. Same science-based content focused on being our best selves, healthy inside and out through body positivity, self love, and advocating for those who are deserving of the same! Find me on Instagram now @realstacytoth! The Whole View Podcast Shows Its Face! To celebrate my updated username and to show you the “behind the scenes” of the podcast, I’m now posting video episodes of The Whole View podcast to YouTube on my channel @realstacytoth. Staring with Episode 34, watch me and my guests chat about so many important topics. Of course, you can […]
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