One of the best ways for our family to get back-on-track is meal plan Mondays! When we have routines around dinner it affects so many things: how we shop, how we use what we have, and how we gather around the dinner table. As the weather got nicer, we got more relaxed as we casually grilled and didn’t pay attention to planning. And immediately we started wasting food in the fridge, and not having dinner together as a family. So, this week, our meal plans gets back to basics with some of our favorites. We’ve also been supplementing our unique fruit and veggie counts with lots of lunch salads. How have your veggie counts been lately? With the farmer’s markets starting to open, it’s a great way to see what you can find then build your own meal plan Monday around it! Meal Plan for the Week of May 17th, 2021 Total unique veggie count for this week’s meal plan, just for dinners: 28! Add a green smoothie, salad for lunch, or snack on some fruit to get you even more! We build our plans to have a variety of proteins and diversity of fruits & veggies. You’ll get even […]
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