Welcome to episode 492 of The Whole View! This week, Dr. Sarah and Stacy break down the science of the new Omicron Variant of Covid-19 to see how it compares to other variants and why it’s so much more contagious. If you enjoy the show, please review it on iTunes! Key Takeaways Every time Stacy and Dr. Sarah do one of these Covid-19 shows, they hope it will be the last. Sadly, that’s not the case. This week is the first of a two-parter on the Omicron Variant. Stacy and Dr. Sarah share this information to help you make an informed decision, not tell you what to do or how to do it. They are not medical professionals giving medical advice. So, be sure to include your primary doctor in your health decisions. How do you pronounce it? The UK & Canadian pronunciation is Oh-mi-cron, close to the Greek pronunciation Oh-me-krun. The US pronunciation is more Aw-mi-cron. Both are okay, but not om-knee-cron. The biggest contributing to the concern around Omicron is just how insanely contagious it is (6:58). It accounts for most cases in the USA, which means it is unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon. Previously, Delta was believed to be […]
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