Welcome to episode 461 of The Whole View! This week, Sarah and Stacy revisit the topic of oats and why it’s important to look at foods individually to see how they can fit into a better overall diet. They dive into the science of why oats are often grouped in with wheat and grains as foods to avoid. Lastly, they encourage listeners to gain the confidence needed to experiment with different foods to find what works best for them as individuals. If you enjoy the show, please review it on iTunes! The Whole View, Episode 461: Oats-M-G, Are These Actually Healthy? Welcome back to episode 461! (0:28) Stacy has mentioned in the past how great she feels when she includes some oats in her diet. She clarified that it’s not something she loads up on daily. Finding high-quality, gluten-free, and non-glyphosate was a game-changer for her as well. For years, Stacy and Sarah have talked about how grains were problematic for digestion, proper absorption of nutrients, and gut health. However, it’s important to revisit how we look at food with a scientific approach as often as possible. Both Stacy and Sarah’s health journeys took a path through the Paleo Diet to a point where […]
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