Welcome to episode 445 of The Whole View! This week, Stacy and Sarah take a deeper look into autoimmune protocol and what taking supplements while on AIP could look like. They offer recommendations into their favorite supplements and brands as well as offer insight into why these supplements might help! If you enjoy the show, please review it on iTunes! The Whole View, Episode 445: What Supplements to Take on the AIP? Welcome back to episode 445! (0:28) This week is all about supporting your health from the perspective of what you can control. And what you can work with medical professionals on to optimize your own health as much as possible. Specifically, Stacy and Sarah will be discussing supplements on the autoimmune protocol (AIP) or have been previously and are now in more of a maintenance mode. Stacy remembers when she first encountered coming across this topic while struggling with digestive issues. She was not absorbing anything from the food she was ingesting. This caused her to have to re-nourish herself through the use of supplements. She reminds listeners that what they go over in this show is not har-and-fast. As situations, health, and age change, your needs […]
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