Yay, another Meal Plan Monday to share healthy meal plan ideas for families that won’t cause anxiety! You are not alone in your struggle to put healthy meals on the table without spending all day in the kitchen. Trying to get in a variety of fruits, veggies, and protein while using local, seasonal ingredients, not to mention a variety of proteins and healthy fats, while not spending all day in the kitchen. Work, virtual school, parenting, maintaining social relationship in a time of quarantine… life is hard enough without the address stress of what to cook. But that’s why we’re here! You can read about how we meal plan to do your own, or you can use each weekly post as your own menu or just for inspiration. Not every meal, every week will work for you and your family. But, I hope at least I can recommend some new, fun things and provide inspiration for your family to plan ahead in a way that works for you. We hope your whole family enjoys! read the original post about how we make it work for us and factors we consider here Meal Plan Monday: Week of October 26, 2020 Total […]
The post Meal Plan Monday, October 26 appeared first on Real Everything.